public myers-briggs votes | (22/05/22 12:48) rock and roll: ESFP | (22/03/07 10:32) GIJOEBusta Cap: ESFP |
public function votes | (22/05/22 12:48) rock and roll: ESFP | (22/03/07 10:32) GIJOEBusta Cap: ESFP |
public enneagram votes | (22/06/05 00:11) Woll Smoth: 7w6 | (22/07/07 06:52) rock and roll: 7w6 |
(22/06/05 19:13) GIJOEBusta Cap: 7w6 |
(21/06/03 12:42) lovelyday: 8w9 |
public instinctual variant votes |
public sociotype votes | (22/06/04 12:45) rock and roll: ESE | (22/06/04 12:46) GIJOEBusta Cap: ESE |
(22/03/06 21:11) Woll Smoth: ESE |
(21/06/03 12:42) lovelyday: LSI |