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4-6-8 "The Truth Teller"
Tritype archetypes
e | i |
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f | t |
p | j |
function | ennea | variant | socio | psycho | |||||||||||||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 1 |
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public myers-briggs votes | (20/05/08 17:58) fleetingpetals1: ENFP |
(20/03/21 19:34) Thyssen: INTJ |
(20/01/12 20:36) Tch: ENFP |
(21/06/06 20:10) Tman: ENJ |
(19/05/09 16:42) fg: ENxJ |
(21/06/09 01:06) LadyX: ENTP |
(19/01/13 12:00) Kawaii: ENxJ |
(18/12/09 04:15) Taco110: ENTP |
(18/08/23 11:02) switchblades: ESTP |
(18/08/23 06:34) Teru Mikami: ENTP |
public function votes | (20/11/03 11:04) Flower-like: ISTP |
(20/12/23 16:07) Tman: INTJ |
(19/05/09 16:42) fg: INTJ |
public enneagram votes | (20/11/03 11:06) Flower-like: cp6w5 |
(20/05/09 06:07) Diobono: 8w9 |
(20/05/08 18:47) strawberry crisis: 8w9 |
(19/05/09 16:42) fg: cp6w5 |
(19/01/17 05:47) LadyX: cp6w5 |
(20/12/23 16:06) Tman: cp6w5 |
(18/08/23 10:56) switchblades: 6w5 |
public instinctual variant votes | (20/05/08 18:47) strawberry crisis: sx/sp |
(19/05/09 16:43) fg: sx/so |
(20/11/03 12:55) Tman: sx/sp |
(19/01/17 05:49) LadyX: sx/sp |
(18/12/09 04:16) Taco110: sx/sp |
(18/08/23 11:02) switchblades: sx/sp |
public tritype® votes | (21/06/09 01:03) LadyX: 648 |
(19/07/23 05:36) tman: 684 |
public sociotype votes | (20/11/03 11:08) Flower-like: EIE |
(20/04/10 20:26) BasedGOD: LSI |
(20/03/22 12:37) Tman: EIE |
(19/11/02 17:34) fg: EIE |
(19/11/02 16:59) Thyssen: EIE |
(19/02/03 07:18) Phantom: SLE |
(18/12/09 23:37) Teru Mikami: SEE |
(18/12/09 04:14) Taco110: ILI |
(18/12/09 15:40) switchblades: EIE |
public psychosophy votes | (20/05/08 17:58) fleetingpetals1: ELVF |
(19/11/02 17:56) fg: VLEF |
(20/07/02 17:50) Tman: VELF |
public hexaco votes |
strawberry crisis enfp 7 6 and 8 but voting P? I don’t think 4 can cancel that out… 1 2020-05-08 06:46:06pm (post #8189) |
Thyssen ILI Not A Lurker Anymore The tritype that no one can seem to agree on... 0 2020-05-08 05:33:42am (post #8187) |
Teru Mikami Are you intuitive or do you follow the state? why not 0 2019-01-13 01:51:00pm (post #4593) |
LadyX intp 5 Not sure this discussion belongs in this heading, but the danger of the ESI is intriguing. Think of the damage done each day by the quiet bureaucrat - working hard to derail the efforts of the creative class and the intellectual elites. Anything to maintain status quo and make sure nothing new is ever lauded. The ESI and LSI - so "nice and quiet" ... but there they are... behind the scenes plotting to reduce the stature of the outgoing inventive types. One day you may discover a ESI has hated you for years just because you laughed too loudly and made a boisterous joke. Your loud tone was unforgivable and you were subsequently repeatedly and furtively attacked by the ESI from behind a curtain. 0 2018-12-11 03:30:56pm (post #4202) |
fg xxTJ 6w5 Beta ST seem that you did not look at the link i sended to you. read it. 0 2018-12-11 01:36:10pm (post #4201) |
Resonare INTJ 1w9 sp/sx ILI-Te Stop making assumptions. Talanov's ESI description - ESI scored HIGHER than LSI in the following areas: "In fantasy he is less aggressive than in real behavior." (Meaning in reality they are MORE aggressive than they think) "Emotional instability with a tendency to poorly controlled aggressively irritable outbreaks, lack of restraint and poise." "Predisposed to explosive - accumulating explosiveness." "His anger does not calm down for a long time." "In a playful brawl, he becomes distracted, it is difficult to stop in time, including during bathing he liked hooligans and drowned his friends as a joke." "He does not feel "puny" in himself, so he never worries about it." 0 2018-12-11 07:56:42am (post #4200) |
fg xxTJ 6w5 Beta ST "Fg, that's some crock of shit you've managed to pull up right there. How do you even know they've typed the participants correctly?" any empirical data can be prooved wrong times after but it is what we got now. we have to do with it, if we don't want to "And ESI and LSI are impeded to the same degree but by different introverted rational functions. ESI can be absolutely brutal to someone they view as immoral, while LSI can do the same to someone they view as a heretic disturbing society." your problem is right here you base yourself on 16types or 's description of character instead of using description made by socionist like talanov i never say that black sensing was stronger in LSE or EIE but that ESI's Fi is like a drag for their black sensing's brutality. 0 2018-12-11 01:21:52am (post #4199) |
Resonare INTJ 1w9 sp/sx ILI-Te Fg, that's some crock of shit you've managed to pull up right there. How do you even know they've typed the participants correctly? And ESI and LSI are impeded to the same degree but by different introverted rational functions. ESI can be absolutely brutal to someone they view as immoral, while LSI can do the same to someone they view as a heretic disturbing society. LSE has demonstratic 4D Se so they're Se is stronger than ESI/LSI though they will refrain from behaving this way due to Quadra values. EIE can be aggressive for varying reasons but they are still a victim type and are seeking to be dominated to some degree by the creative Se of LSI or ESI. Even if it's dogs, this is a good example of how even through aggression, the victim mentality can still be noticed - 1 2018-12-10 09:23:26pm (post #4198) |
fg xxTJ 6w5 Beta ST ESI's white ethic impede their black sensing to be as brutal as SEE, LSI and SLE. they are even outcast in term of agressivity and desire of domination by EIE and LSE who does not have black sensing in their ego, 1 is very common for them 8 is very uncommon.,15700022,15700124,15700149,15700186,15700191,15700201,15700237,15700242&usg=ALkJrhjKzuCXqY7g6rsMJLxSn4-t1gxKig ESI are 2ish far more than 4 ish. the only enneagramm who fit to them in the 468 is the 6 . EIE are the most reactive type . 468 is triple reactive tritype. EIE is the type with the highest score on paranoia with LSI(historical example: Adolf Hitler) ==>6 correlation a lot of EIE are characterized by their sense of uniqueness, their dramatic side and are commonly artist (historical exemple: salvador dali, Shakespeare)==>4 correlation EIE are also 8 over 1 or 9, way too unstable for 1 and far too self affirmative for 9. Teru Mikami, you are wrong. Kawaii, you are wrong for now. Mike Ike, you are wrong Taco, you are wrong. 0 2018-12-09 03:14:37pm (post #4191) |
switchblades INFP delete best tritype 1 2018-08-23 10:56:52am (post #2969) |
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