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most common enneagram type
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function | ennea | variant | socio | psycho | |||||||
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public myers-briggs votes | (19/07/15 03:52) tman: ESFJ |
public function votes | (19/07/15 03:51) tman: ESFJ |
public enneagram votes | (20/05/13 14:02) bibliology: 2w3 |
(19/07/15 03:51) tman: 2w3 |
(18/12/17 00:32) LadyX: 2w3 |
public instinctual variant votes | (19/07/15 03:51) tman: so/sx |
(18/12/14 23:42) Taco110: so/sx |
public tritype® votes | (19/07/15 03:51) tman: 261 |
(18/12/17 00:33) LadyX: 216 |
(18/12/14 23:43) Taco110: 621 |
public sociotype votes | (19/11/01 23:27) Thyssen: ESI |
(19/07/15 03:51) tman: ESE |
(19/01/09 19:08) LVNA: ESE |
(18/12/24 10:34) fg: ESI |
(18/12/15 13:37) switchblades: ESI |
(18/12/14 23:42) Taco110: ESE |
public psychosophy votes | (19/11/13 11:18) Tman: VEFL |
public hexaco votes |
jt ISFJ 1 <3 fg <3 fg on statistic enneagram 4 with ESFJs are Rare and it may seem like the EXACT opposite of the stereotypical ESFJ in the mbti community... Ignoring the actual statistics, to focus on the practical... or sensing... however, how many ESFJs people know are actual ESFJs because they typed (rather than using actual mbti test results from this person they claim are ESFJs), thus the stereotypical indvidualist you can type as an Intutiive may actually be ESFJ? I'm sorry, but the ESFJ overcontrolling parent sterotype, say one person you know that meet this stereotype could actually be say ISTJ if the person took a mbti test 0 2019-07-26 07:20:19pm (post #6716) |
LVNA The bar for socionics introverts according to their profiles is a pretty high degree of introversion, so i really can't see ESFJ as ESI at all. Just because a lot of ESFPs will relate to ESE, doesn't mean it doesn't accomodate room for a lot of Js in it... 0 2019-01-09 07:08:21pm (post #4553) |
strawberry crisis enfp 7 Please don't spam votes @you know who you are -- I completely agree with 6w7 but I won't tolerate this kind of vote manipulation 0 2019-01-09 09:03:17am (post #4552) |
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