menu |
Most common enneagram type
e | i |
n | s |
f | t |
p | j |
function | ennea | variant | socio | psycho | |||||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 1 |
h |
e |
x |
a |
c |
o |
public myers-briggs votes | (20/08/01 19:32) Sean91939: INTJ |
(20/02/01 21:59) Thyssen: ESFP |
public function votes | (20/02/01 21:59) Thyssen: ESFP |
public enneagram votes | (20/08/01 19:32) Sean91939: 5w6 |
(20/02/01 21:59) Thyssen: 2w3 |
public instinctual variant votes | (20/08/01 19:32) Sean91939: sp/sx |
(20/02/01 21:59) Thyssen: sx/so |
public tritype® votes | (20/08/01 19:32) Sean91939: 513 |
(20/02/01 21:59) Thyssen: 297 |
public sociotype votes | (20/08/01 19:32) Sean91939: LII |
(20/02/01 21:59) Thyssen: ESE |
public psychosophy votes |
public hexaco votes |
Teru Mikami Are you intuitive or do you follow the state? and SLE 0 2019-06-11 01:44:29am (post #6369) |
jt ISFJ 1 <3 fg <3 fg enneagram 5 is probably likely, and enneagram 1 as well. I think INTJ enneagram 8 is the most healthy INTJs and ennagram 1 INTJs are healthy ENTJs. 0 2019-06-11 01:32:28am (post #6366) |
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