public myers-briggs votes | (22/05/06 10:24) rock and roll: ESTP | (22/04/08 05:01) GIJOEBusta Cap: ESTP |
(18/12/29 00:23) LadyX: INTJ |
public function votes | (22/05/06 10:24) rock and roll: ESTP | (22/04/08 05:01) GIJOEBusta Cap: ESTP |
(20/06/21 18:43) Sean91939: ENFJ |
public enneagram votes | (22/05/06 10:24) rock and roll: 1w9 | (22/04/08 05:01) GIJOEBusta Cap: 1w9 |
(20/06/21 18:43) Sean91939: 1w2 |
(18/12/29 00:22) LadyX: 1w9 |
public instinctual variant votes | (22/05/06 10:24) rock and roll: sx/so | (22/04/08 05:01) GIJOEBusta Cap: sx/sp |
(20/06/21 18:43) Sean91939: sx/so |
(18/12/29 00:23) LadyX: sx/so |
public sociotype votes | (22/05/06 10:24) rock and roll: ESE | (22/04/08 22:40) Woll Smoth: LSE |
(22/04/08 05:01) GIJOEBusta Cap: ESE |
(18/12/29 11:52) switchblades: ESE |